This website and this adventure of stepping into my calling have been a long time coming. Welcome to the end of a chapter and the beginning of another.


In January of 2014, I felt that life was changing. I had a milestone birthday and we moved across the city. Shortly thereafter, one of our best friends died suddenly. At the time, I thought those were the main factors in the distant rumblings of change I felt in the deepest parts of myself. This was not the first time I underestimated the plan for my life but it was one of the last.


In August of 2014, I sat in the audience at Infinite Possibilities Train the Trainer in Chicago and knew my life was going to change completely. I hadn’t been that big of a Mike Dooley follower before that weekend. I hadn’t read the book on which the entire conference was based. I didn’t even remember that Mike was a teacher in The Secret, a book that saved my life. I had simply pulled up the website a couple months before and gotten the message, loud and clear, that I had to be there at that conference and so did Jim. And frankly, Jim was in such bad shape that I would have gladly let him go alone if only one of us was able. As I sat and listened, I knew that what I was learning that weekend was going to change the direction of my life forever. I stuffed that knowledge down and told it to come back when I was ready.


The very next month, we were alone in Ireland for two weeks. The picture above is from that trip. The messages were ringing in my ears non-stop: You will be teaching. You will be speaking. You will be writing. Your calling is in these things. You must pursue these things. I remember feeling a sense of dread. I was only just beginning to make serious headway as an actress and model in Chicago. I was booking great work, making money, and taking on new agents. My childhood dreams were being realized! I knew instantly that keeping a foot in each world wouldn’t be sustainable forever. But again, I pushed that knowledge away and told it to come back when I was ready.


When we got home, we made plans to teach a workshop together. Neither of us were sure that we were going always work together but Jim was ready to jump in the deep end and I was terrified of being left behind. So I jumped with him. The workshops lined up. Students lined up. Everything went so well that I couldn’t keep arguing with the deep sense of fulfillment I felt. I stopped holding back and allowed the business (and myself) to grow.


Nearly two years have passed since those thunderbolts of insight found me in a conference room in Chicago. Everything has grown and changed. Websites and email lists have been built. Jim and I have spoken and taught together all over the country and in Ireland, too. We started a monthly storytelling show that is in its second season. I’ve written my first book and am working on a second. Jim is writing content like crazy, from blog posts to stories and speeches to his first book.


Those knowings that I stuffed away? In January of this year it was decided that I was “ready.” Every bit of insight about my calling that I had asked to find me when I was ready roared to the forefront. I had spent over a year laying the foundation and it was time to pick up the pace. I started getting messages, visits, and out of body experiences like never before. Ancestors, angels, saints, and unbelievable light found me every single time I closed my eyes. Ready or not, it was time. Life arranged itself perfectly, as it always does. I told my story on a stage for the first time. I got permission to share it even further. I put my relationships with my agents on hold and went on my last audition. I began working with Wendy Isaac, who was able to help me integrate fully into this experience and fast-track my alignment. I built this website and in writing what was supposed to be a “short guide” I realized that I actually wrote my first book. I was promised that if I became who I was meant to be that support and guidance would find me. Those promises have held true every step of the way.


Today, as this site launches along with my first book, I am headed to Georgia to begin the next big project. I couldn’t be more excited to see what the future holds and to step fully into my calling. I am overwhelmed with gratitude.


I am finally ready to be the person I have always wanted to be.

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Hi there!

I'm Christiana Herbert. I'm an expert at releasing stories that keep people stuck in old patterns and low vibrations. I work with brave souls who are ready to make peace with their lives. It's never too late to start a new adventure!

Currently Reading

A personal hero, Mike Dooley.