photo credit Meg Benedicte
I prepped a hot bath with plenty of epsom salt. Once I got in, my meditation slipped into a deep and profound connection, both with my Higher Self and angels. The ultraviolet, blinding light and vibrations were intense. In this state of connection, I expressed that I was feeling unhappy with my body. I was heavier than I preferred and I just felt tired and sluggish. I felt like I was carrying some extra weight and every time I looked in the mirror I saw another hormonal breakout on my face. I wanted to know why and asked what I could do.
With great love and tenderness, the angels and my Higher Self reminded me that my body isn’t what I was seeing in the mirror. The physical manifestation of my body was my own creation and was mine to change at any time. My beliefs and thoughts every time I looked in the mirror were manifesting what I saw. My energetic body was perfect, whole, and complete. If I wanted to change anything, I needed to create a connection between the energetic and the physical. “Open the lines of communication with your body,” they said. “Your body will tell you what it needs and wants.” Then they encouraged me to create right there in my mind the physical body I wanted to see.
I saw myself lying in the bathtub from just slightly above, viewed through my third eye. I raised my hands within the vision and slowly smoothed down the length of my flesh, erasing and creating the form I wanted as my hands slowly passed down. I erased the breakouts and healed my skin. I erased the extra weight around my middle and saw it vanish. I saw myself as strong and perfect. I took one last look and felt profound love in the connection between my Self and my body. With one more breath, my eyes fluttered open and I was back.
I had this vision and experience a few months ago and then I actually forgot about it. I was only was reminded of it again over the weekend. I can’t say that my beliefs and thoughts about my body changed overnight but the connection I created with my body opened up a superhighway of dialogue. Recently, my body asked to stop consuming dairy. I listened and obeyed. It was like flipping a switch! The results were swift. My clothes became looser as extra weight dropped off. My skin cleared up within a week. The shorts that were tight at the beginning of the summer are now loose. I can see in the mirror now a closer reflection of what I created within that vision.
My body continues to make specific requests and guide me so I’ve experimented a bit with this new change. I’ve discovered that grass-fed butter is acceptable. Cheese and yogurt are out of the picture; even with digestive supplements I consume cheese at my own risk. My body has asked to keep gluten at a minimum, and to fully eliminate sugar and soy. The newest trick is that as soon as I have a bite of intensely sweet food, I get an instant headache. It’s my sign to stop in my tracks . . .or else.
Our physical bodies are here to serve us and are a direct reflection of the experiences we have had and our beliefs and thoughts. Your body will store and process all sorts of energy in service to your Higher Self and the calling you are fulfilling, though it may not always choose the methods you would prefer!
Hoping to create a better relationship with your body?
Changing my relationship with my body has, in turn, completely changed my physical body itself. But first, let me say that you will never hear me recommending any particular diet or form of exercise. I believe that everyone is wired differently and while veganism might work for some, other folks like me never feel satiated with a belly full of vegetables exclusively. Some people love to run while I would prefer to dance like a maniac. I also believe that everyone’s body is different and inherently beautiful, no matter the color, shape, or size. There is room for everyone.
The biggest hurdle is radical, unconditional self-love. I find myself back at this step all the time, so consider it more of a journey than a one-and-done action. Think of it this way: Your body is a magnificent creation that serves you. You don’t have to give it any thought and yet it continues to breathe, circulate blood, blink, digest, create new cells, and so much more. A creation this beautiful deserves admiration and respect! Start with gratitude and let love grow from there.
“Thank you, body, for taking care of me. I admire the work you do and I thank you. I love and accept my body and my parts exactly as they are today. I release my judgments of myself and my body, knowing that those are not based in Truth. I give myself permission to connect with my energetic perfection, my true Self. I allow and open the channels of communication and ask my body to tell me what it needs and wants. I promise to honor and respect my body and listen to what it asks for. So it is and so be it now.”
I would love to hear about your relationship with your body. What are you working on currently?